Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Leaving a Legacy of Hope Essay Example for Free

Leaving a Legacy of Hope Essay So many people when asked what it was that drew them to this field would tell me, â€Å"I go home every night feeling good about the work I do.† Though this is a genuine and relevant answer to the question, it is not mine. I have always said that it is the people that make this work so special. What makes the population of people that we work with so incredible is that they are not caught up with the everyday way of life that you and I are. It is that freedom from conventions which sets them apart. They are not as worried about the latest fads, trends or fashions. They are people shaped through the years of their lives, filled with experience and wonder that is hard to imagine, let alone understand. They are individual’s not so much worried about â€Å"What do you think about me?† as much as, Do you love me? Their character and convictions are steadfast, and though they may be hardened to change, their hearts remain soft and tenable. The following essay has been written for these people, with hopes that it would inspire even a single person to take an earnest look at Oregon’s current service models for Seniors and People with Disabilities, and to keep Oregon as a premier model in which other states can continue to look to. What legacy will we leave? What hope will we inspire? My objective is to utilize this essay to answer these questions. In our state’s history, Oregon has been blessed with so many great advocates and has been a National leader with the Self-Directed Support model of services across the division of Seniors and People with Disabilities. So how will the new generation of college graduates continue this legacy? After an in depth inquiry into this subject and much self reflection, I submit the following. As we begin to take those choice words like â€Å"Independence, integration, productivity, choice and dignity†, and not just make sure our companies or non-profits mission statements included a few of them, not just check off the box on the service plan that says these are being implemented or accomplished, but actually look at the root meaning of the words. Are we really where we want to be? Or can we do better? We have a choice, we can take a rational and intellectual inquiry into our current and proposed service models to see if the services we are providing and more importantly plan to provide fall in line with these words. Or, we can set our sights on mediocrity, from which no legacy will be made. The choice lies with us. Do we remain stagnant and content with the progress made? Do we measure Oregon against the backdrop of other states and take solace in the fact that we may still be slightly ahead of the pack? I think the answer among fellow Oregonian’s would be a resounding â€Å"No†. The preservation of Oregon’s existing legacy as being a National leader in the legislative, economic and social advocacy for seniors and people with disabilities is important. It is something that I conclude can only be done by my previous statement of rational and intellectual inquiry into Oregon’s current and proposed service models. My personal response to this inquiry is based around the philosophy of person centered planning and person directed supports. With the heart and focus of this model remaining on individual choice. At the age of 25 years old, having spent 5 years in human services I have worked within all different areas of Oregon Seniors and People with Disabilities. Through this time, one theme that I have heard loud and clear from the people I have supported is the need for choice, more specifically is choice as it pertains to the location in which people live while receiving services. Which leads me to the following; If Oregon is going to continue to be a leader and innovator in providing the Self-Directed Support model of services, the legacy of hope that we need to focus on leaving would stem from successful implementation of what is known as the â€Å"Community Based Care† models of services. The emphasis of this model being on serving seniors and people with disabilities in ways to help them live and age comfortably in the place of their choice. Rather than emphasizing their diagnoses, medical condition or inabilities, we focus on the things in life that give them happiness, peace and strength. All things that can be accomplished through something many of us now take for granted, and that’s having the freedom and choice of where we live. As the medical field progresses people are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. The number of those over the age of 65 is growing dramatically. There are 10,000 new Medicare recipients added each day. In 2000 the number of seniors over the age of 85 was 4.2 million. By 2010 the number is estimated to be 6.1 million. Beginning in the years 2011 2012, the baby boomers will begin to turn 65 years old. More astonishing then that, by 2030, Americans 55 and older will account for 31% of the population and those 65 and older will account for 20%. From the fiscal standpoint, Community Based Care has been projected to cost as little as a few hundred dollars a month, comparatively to someone who has been displaced from their home and is living in a facility where the monthly cost to the tax payers now shoots as high as $5,000- $6,000 monthly. The SPD population overwhelmingly wants to age in place, to be able to remain living in their own homes. But they very concerned about their choice to do so. In the book, â€Å"Water for Elephants† Sara Gruen, writes from the perspective of a man named Jacob Janokowski a retired veterinarian who is 90 years old, (or 93 he can’t remember which). Below is an excerpt from the book I believe helps illustrate the discussion. â€Å"But Dad, they said, you broke your hip, as though maybe I hadn’t noticed. I dug my heels in. I threatened to cut them off without a cent, until I remembered they already had controlled my money. They didn’t remind me- they just let me rail on like an old fool until I remembered of my own accord, and that made me even angrier because if they had any respect for me at all they would have at least made sure I had the facts straight. I felt like a toddler whose tantrum was being allowed to run its course. As the enormity of my helplessness dawned on me, my position began to slip. You’re right, I conceded. I guess I could use some help. I suppose having someone come in during the day wouldn’t be so bad, just to help out with the cooking and cleaning. No? Well how about a live in? I know I’ve let things slip a little since your mother died†¦ But I thought you said†¦ Okay, then one of you can move in with me†¦ But I don’t understand†¦ Well, Simon, your house is large. Surely I could†¦? It was not to be. I remember leaving my house for the last time, bundled up like a cat on the way to the vet. As the car pulled away, my eyes were so clouded by tears I couldn’t look back. It’s not a nursing home, they said. Its assisted living- progressive, you see. You’ll only have help with the things you need, and then when you get older†¦ They always trailed off there, as though that would prevent me from following the thought to its logical conclusion.† I truthfully believe it is a realistic belief that Oregon can pioneer the cause of helping seniors and people with disabilities live confidently with independence, and the freedom to age with a positive sense of self-worth in their own homes. This is my vision of Community Based Care, and this is the legacy that I hope to leave behind.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Criticism of Goldsmith’s, She Stoops to Conquer Essay -- She Stoops Co

Criticism of Goldsmith’s, She Stoops to Conquer In reading T.G.A. Nelson's critical essay "Stooping to Conquer in Goldsmith, Haywood and Wycherley" I have to say I that I was pretty scared. Drawing Freud to anything can really be scary according to almost anyone though, certainly in early criticism of "She Stoops to Conquer." As Bernard Harris says, "we should not discount unconscious forces in any comedy", but then he immediately drops the subject saying that "Goldsmith's main interest lies elsewhere."(325) The main focus of Nelson's essay seemed to be on the difficulty that certain men seemed to find "in achieving a satisfactory sexual relationship with a woman resembling the mother. "(319) This essay will look at what Nelson has to say about this Freudian ideology and bring to light my comments on the subject. Nelson begins by looking into some of Freud's essays and applying them to the characteristics describing the "Restoration rake. "(320) One example is how there is compulsive repetition in his relationships. Passionate attachments are formed again and again creating a long line of lovers. The preference for married women is also there, where another man claim the right of possession of her and yet the rake prefers her to one who is "disengaged. " Taking Goldsmith's play, Nelson uses it as the clearest example of Freud's theory. In his play, the character Marlow is very forthright in his dealings with those in a lower station, but with women of quality he becomes shy. Evidently, women of low social standing fail to qualify as 'modest women' for him and this fits closely into "Freud's description of the sufferer of selective impotence. "(322) Reading further it's found that the reason Marlow is so shy with those of hi... ... such an approach to a comedy traditionally, if tacitly, regarded as bland, inoffensive, and largely devoid of sexual content."(326) I applaud Nelson for the work and research he put into his essay; and I'm not saying that just because a play is a comedy, it can't have underlying feelings of repression or other factors involved in its creation. It's just on general principal then, having read Goldsmith's play and enjoyed it for itself while noting possibilities for his commenting on social/class order or the differences between city and country life, that I set aside Nelson's criticism of the play and leave it as it stands, untouched by Freudian ideology. Works Cited Goldsrnith, Oliver. She Stoops to Conquer. Dover Publications, NY: 1991 Nelson, T.G.A. "Stooping to Conquer in Goldsmith. Haywood. and Wycherley." Essays in Criticism. Oxford University Press.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Current Health Care Issues

Current Health Care Issues HCS/545 Camille Fuller University of Phoenix The health care industry exist to provide preventative measures, diagnose health conditions, repair, and provide services to improve the quality of life. The cost of health care continues to rise each year. Health care fraud is a factor that continues to plague the health care industry. The affect health care fraud has on hospitals, is the increasing cost of medical services. The following research will examine and evaluate how organizational structure and governance, culture and the lack of focus on social responsibility affects on health care fraud. The following research will also include recommendations for prevention of health care fraud, recommendations for change of structure, governance, and culture. The following research will include prevention measure for future situations involving health care fraud. Health care fraud is a preventable situation in hospitals across the nation. Hospitals spend thousands of dollars on quality assurance and patient safety and still health care fraud continues to occur. Individuals across the nation make a living through health care fraud. Honest, hard working citizens of this country are financing health care fraud recipients, not by choice. Insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid are being schemed by fraudulent businesses. Channel 11 news in Colorado a scheme called, â€Å"Medical Provider Identity Theft† has been uncovered. Perpetrators stol the identity of a physician in Pueblo, Colorado. The perpetrators set up an office in Denver, Colorado called, â€Å"A Plus Billing. † The office and address was used to receive mail and phone calls. The physician’s name and medical identification number was used to bill Medicare for test and procedures that were not preformed. This type of scheme is running rampant across the United States. Dr. Cabiling did not know that his identity had been stolen until he received a phone call from Medicare. Medicare asked Dr. Cabiling if he practiced in Denver and Dr. Cabiling said, â€Å"No. † Medicare then notified Dr. Cabililng that they had received bills from an office in Denver with his name and medical identification number for payment of services rendered. Dr. Cabiling only practices in Pueblo and not in Denver. Further investigation uncovered more than $1. 8 million dollars had been paid out to the A Plus Billing Company. â€Å"Court documents show the address A Plus Billing used was 600 17th Street in Denver, room 2800. The company submitted bills for numerous things including MRI’s and EKG testing, claiming they had medical offices at that address. But instead, 11 News discovered it was home to a company hired to receive mail and answer the phone for $150 a month. And, according to records, the lady who was suppose to pay that bill, Aliya Valeeva, is no longer in the country. Medicare sent the money to an account at a BBVA/Compass Bank in Denver, under the name of A Plus Billing. Now the FBI has moved to seize nearly $800,000 of it (Potter, 2011). † Dr. Cabiling inadvertently received checks from Cigna, leading the physician to believe that the ghost company had targeted other insurance companies other than Medicare. Prior to President Obama’s health care reform, insurance companies were required to submit payment for services rendered within 15 days of receipt of the claim. Since President Obama's health care reform act the timeline for payment of services rendered gives agencies more time to make payments, review and investigate claims. Fraudulent claims are easier to detect with the new health care reform in affect. Fraudulent claims are nothing new to insurance companies. Perpetrators have targeted insurance companies for a long time. Medicare and Medicaid are the two type of insurance companies targeted. Medicare and Medicaid staff is inundated with claims. There are more claims to be processed then there are staff and time. New timelines and guidances to follow, allow the staff to follow up on suspicious claims. Since the Affordable Health Care Act was passed and implemented â€Å"Medicare officials say with their new tools for fighting fraud, they have reclaimed $4 billion last year alone (Potter, 2011)†. The previous organizational structure for payment of services rendered did not allow officials enough time to investigate claims to ensure the claims were legitimate. Perpetrators study the law and use the knowledge to fraud insurance and government agencies. The governance of rules, regulations and laws was not stringent enough to stop perpetrators from frauding the system. New guidelines allow agencies more time to detect suspicious claims, investigate and save the insurance companies millions of dollars. Society does not concentrate on proactive actions to prevent fraud, instead society deals with the problem after the fact. Consumer watch groups do not have tools in place to prevent fraud. Perpetrators rely on the oversites of insurance companies in order to target and fraud insurance companies. Insurance companies and the federal government should pool resources using a percentage of profits to finance a task force to arrestively fight fraud. The penalty for fraud should be more stringent which will cause perpetrators to think twice before formulating a plan to commit fraud. The Affordable Health Care Act is the beginning of many programs established to fight against fraud. Health care fraud is a growing problem and should be taken more seriously by citizens of the United States. Physicians, health care workers, and patients are responsible for proactively protecting personal information to prevent identity theft. The case of Dr. Cabiling could not have occured if his medical identity had not been stolen. A closer watch of personal information to prevent identity theft is the beginning to prevent health care fraud. The federal government should have in place the ability to prosecute offenders to the fullest extent. Harsh punishment may deter offenders from comiting the offence. Ethical issues concerning medical fraud is as simple as knowing what is right and what is wrong. Society should take responsibility of his or her own personal information. Identity theft is no secret, therefore society should be more proactive. Do not leave an open door for offenders to walk in and take what does not belong them. The laws for offenders should be more stringent. The current structure of physicans medical information is too easy to obtain. The structure of physicains medical information should be in encripted messages making the degree of difficulty high enough to ward off offenders. There are some offenders that will stop at nothing until they have gotten the information he or she is wishes to obtain. Stricter rules and guidelines can ward off these offenders. Governance over the guidelines for payment for services rendered should include the following; varification of physician’s medical information making sure the physican is aware of the charges being submitted to insurance companies. The time line for payments to be released to physicians or billing companies are lenghtened to allow incurance companies time to investigate suspecious claims. The culture of one waiting for another to do what is right is an occurance needing change. The culture can be changed through leading by example. Educating society through public service announcement is a start. Public service announcements reach more people than emails, newspaper articles, and phoone calls. An aggressive campaign to stamp out medical fraud through prosecuting identity theft offenders is an additional way to combat medical fraud. Through public service announcements society is informed of his or her responsibility to protect personal information to prevent identity theft and medical fraud. Fighting identiy theft and medical fraud cost less than the billions of dollars paid out to offenders. Remind society they the communities in which he or she live in are the one that ultimately pay the price through higher health care premiums, higher prices for health care services, and through higher taxes. In conclusion health care fraud is now being done through identity theft. Identity theft can be combatted through public awareness and the public taking responsibility to protect his or her own persoanl information. Dr. Cabiling through no fault of his own was a victim of identity theft. Dr. Cabiling did not know that his medical identity had been stolen until he received a phone call from Medicare. Dr. Cabiling can now contact the different insurance companies to alert them of the fraudulant activities concerning his medical information. The insurance companies can contact Dr. Cabiling prior to making payments on calims. The insurance companies making phone calls to Dr. Cabiling may take more time, but will save the companies money in the long run. Combatting medical fraud and identity theft is everyone’s responsibility. References Cohen, G. (2010, March/April). Medical tourism: The view from ten thousand feet. Hastings Center Report, 40(2), 11. Health care reform to have impact on ethics. (2010, May). Medical Ethics Advisor, 26(5), 54. K. Potter, 2011. Medicare Fraud Scheme Takes Nearly $2 Million, Pueblo Doctor’s Identity Stolen; http://www. kktv. com/home/headlines/Medicare_Fraud_Scheme_Steals_Millions_131567818. html

Sunday, January 5, 2020

History Of Indian National Congress - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2803 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category History Essay Type Essay any type Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION Development of the Indian economy through Labour legislations: an examination on how the Indian National Congress developed Indian economy by Labour legislations. This proposal outlines the research I intend to undertake to complete the requirements of LLM. INTRODUCTION History of Indian National Congress Party:- Before discussing about the economic developments brought by legislations of Indian National Congress Party in India, there should be a fair idea about Indian National Congress Party. The foundation of The Indian National Congress was laid on 28th December 1885 at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in Bombay with only 72 delegates attending the event. Allan Octavian Hume a prominent Englishman and civil servant then in India assumed office as general secretary and Womesh Chandra banerjee of Calcutta was elected president. Two other British members (both Scottish civil servants )were members of the founding group. Primarily The Indian National Congress aimed at inculcating a feeling of National unity and eradicating differences arising out of race, creed and provisional prejudices. Moreover finding solution to the social problems of the country and seek the co-operation of all Indians in this doing and allow all to take part in the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s administrative affai rs. Then at the beginning The Indian National Congress Party had a dominance of prominent Hindu leaders which led to a negative notion amongst the prominent Muslim citizens of the country. Moreover the ordinary population of India was not at all concerned about the organization. Any issue addressed, may it be the social oppression or the prejudiced negligence of the peoplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ concerns by British Authority, lack of health care and poverty, was not heard and The Indian National Congress Party was perceived as an institution of then educated and wealthy people. But it did not take Congress long to gain popularity. The members of The Indian National Congress understood the need to have a voice in the ruling British Government without which no changes can be brought about by the party. Among the very early members who understood the need and embraced the idea of Swaraj were Lokmanya tilak and Bal Gangadhar Tilak. There was an emergent need of voice in the government an d this nationalist sentiment of being a part and representing the government bodies was personified by a prominent member Dadabhai Naoroji who successfully contested an election to the British House of Commons, thus becoming the eldest Indian statesman. He was aided in this election campaign by aspiring young students of India like Muhammad Ali Jinnah who later became the first prime minister of Pakistan. The Indian national Congress played the most important role under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi in the liberation of India from the British rule. The Indian National Congress acted as the main platform for the National Freedom Struggle, beard the torch for secular politics and unified the divergent forces in the country. The Indian National Congress also laid the foundation for national parliamentary democracy. On 15th August, 1947 India became independent with the Indian National Congress Supreme at center and in all state legislatures. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru became the fir st prime minister of India who described independence for the country to be freedom for her people. India under his leadership eventually emerged as the exemplar for all humanity with unity based on the celebration of diversity. From the very beginning of its independent existence, Indian government was reeling with poverty problem, rising unorganized labour sectors, rural illiteracy, extreme lack of infrastructure and basic amenities. While the main organized force behind making the Indian National Congress successful was the working class, distinctly. The historic dimensions of labour and employee legislations date back to the times of Indian freedom movement, when the Indian National Congress focused on the poor state of the labour class under the British rule. The struggle for freedom of India was mainly supported by civil disobedience which meant that no worker would work inflicting loss to the British Government. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History Of Indian National Congress" essay for you Create order Background of labour legislation by the Indian National Congress in India After Independence, naturally, the labouring class of India kept high hopes from the Indian National Congress and wanted much preference. But the early prime ministers of India representing the Indian National Congress were unable to recognize this fact which led to rise to unpopularity among them. When Indira Gandhi was elected prime minister of India from the Indian National Congress, she recognized the issue and galvanized the party with a slogan à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Garibi Hataoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. This established an integral and dynamic link with the downtrodden, poorest of the poor and the underprivileged giving impetus to economic growth, social justice and combined industrialization with technological development, agriculture and self reliance. This era can be marked in the history of the India by significant labour legislations to cope up with the growing industrialization in the country. The primary employee of an industry is its labour force. The labour force in India migrated f rom the rural areas to the urban areas and was classified as arrogant, illiterate, uncontrollable, undisciplined, untrained and unskilled; this assessment was made on the organized labour which constituted only 8% of the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s total labour force. The rest fell under the category of unorganized sector who were not totally taken care of. The then Indian employee legislation, oriented to the safeguarding of employees and protecting them against all exploitation. These government controlled legislation were bannered under labour commissioners, labour officer conciliation, inspectorates, enforcement officers and others. The Indian National Congress also aimed by these legislations to the grooming of employees by industrial training. On the contrary, it was natural on the part of the Indian employer to extend his arms towards maximum profits, who invested money, in setting up and running an organization, through their own sources or by joint venture or by loans from different financial institution. This resulted in the exploitation of human resource and reduced quality of production under the wrong notion of more production at low cost. Simultaneously, the employers were surrounded by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Yes Sirà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? officers who were unable to give proper advice when a crisis emerged. All the managers namely labour, personal or the human resource managers were ill-equipped to achieve industrial harmony and peace or industrial democracy. The executives thus needed urgent training in labour legislations, sociology, psychology etc. The trade unions, a necessary evil, stood as a headache for the government. The trade union movement dates back to the pre independent era in India and is still a ripe and proper source for the working class to get themselves heard by the authorities and government. The Indian National Congress tried its level best to codify the labour laws. To guarantee protection and social security to the labouring class the Indian National Congress led government enacted several labour laws, such as:- The Factories Act of 1948 The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 The Minimum Wages Act. The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 The Payment of Bonus Act,1965 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1962 Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Each and every Act above listed had specific purposes. THE NEED AND PURPOSE OF THE WORK Though the reformatory labour legislations by the Indian National Congress have brought forward economic boom in India. The main purpose of it was to secure the interests and well being of the labour class and encourage more people to work in industries hence promoting speedy industrialization of the nation. Over the years, the main agenda and purpose behind those legislations have lost their significance. The labour legislations have significantly shown parallel dimensions, one detrimental another betterment and advancement of lives of the working class along with the socio-economic condition of the country respectively. A review on Indian labour laws consisting rights of labours is urgently needed, particularly keeping in mind the growth of industry and services. The most important issues which were identified over the years in the area of labour reforms are multiple and parallel labour legislations, issues relating to appropriate government and jurisdictions, multiplicity of authorities, lack of uniformity in definition, minimum wages and malicious inspection reports. There also are some loopholes in legislations on recently evolved industry times like the SEZà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. In the recent years it has been witnessed that the ruling government i.e. the Indian National Congress party is losing its tracks of labour welfare and drifting towards globalization of the economy, whilst the working class is getting exploited as new scopes of legislations are evolving which have less or no governing labour legislations to facilitate them. This work will investigate the problems encountered by the different sectors of the labouring class, the discrepancies in labour legislations and try to find solution to the emerging problems and loop holes in the legislations. This research will provide a rigorous analysis of the available academic literature, government commission reports and legal reviews combined with primary research into the ways the legal legisl ations in India brought forward national economic growth and how can this growth be made sustainable by correcting the flaws and loopholes in the legislation of labour laws, making them at par with the present boom in economy and national industrial growth. AIM à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a critical evaluation on the development of Indian economy through labour legislations by the Indian National Congress party.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? OBJECTIVES A critical investigation on the political and legal development within Indian society during the rule of the Indian National Congress party. A critical analysis of the impact of the Indian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations on the Indian economy. Present status of socio economic conditions of India brought forward by the Indian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations. LITERATURE REVIEW à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“A nation may do without its millionaires and without its capitalists, but a nation can never do without its labourà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?- (Mahatma Gandhi) India is a federal republic. Constitutionally she is a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“sovereign secular democratic republicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. In the eighteenth century, while under British rule, India was not only a great agricultural country but also a great manufacturing country too. The looms supplied by India fed the European and Asian countries. But the British Government as a matter of policy discouraged the Indian manufacturers to encourage the rising manufacturers of England. The British oppression led to the rise and growth of the Indian Nationalism with the Indian National Congress party in the forefront. The urge of economic reforms and industrialization was evident in India from that very era. Eventually planned industrialization became Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main goal for economic development. After gaining independence the r uling Indian National Congress party immediately understood the need of industrialization to strengthen the economy and bring overall national development. The newly elected to power Indian National Congress party then knew its need to protect, promote and safeguard the interests of the labour and working class to serve both its political purpose and to uphold the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy. In India there have been a number of labour legislations till date for the purpose of promoting the interests of labour keeping in view the industrial development and growth national economy. Before independence, India hardly had any labour welfare schemes. Soon after independence, the government adopted the industrial truce resolution in December 1947. Following this several legislations were enacted like Factories Act 1948, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, The payment of Bonus Act 1965 and Minimum Wages Act 1948. RESEARCH SCOPE There is a sea of academic literature on Indian labour legislations and enactments by the Indian National Congress party, so it is especially necessary to ensure that the literature review remains focused on the research objectives. I have trawled academic search engines fairly well for this proposal, but will need to continue this to ensure the pool of academic papers and books available to me is comprehensive. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research will follow interpretive and positive research philosophy, a deductive research approach along with a qualitative research strategy. Why a positive and interpretive research philosophy? The research philosophy adopted for a piece of primary research under pins the way that research is carried out by defining à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the way [the researcher] think about the development of knowledge (Saunders et al 2003). Here a positive and the interpretive research philosophy can be applied because the labour legislations done by Indian national congress have had a positive effect on the growth of the Indian economy as a whole. This philosophy can be understood by reviewing the history of Indian national politics, its policies and the enactment of specific labour laws facilitating healthy industrial growth by promotion of labour welfare policies along with safe guarding employer interests. WHY A DEDUCTIVE RESEARCH APPROACH? There is increasing research available on the success and failures of Indian labour legislations, the contributions of the Indian National congress party to the development and upliftment of Indian socio economic standards, labour laws facilitating healthy industrialization and industrial policies etc. While the objectives of this research proposal are clear:- A critical investigation on the political and legal development within Indian society during the rule of the Indian National Congress party, A critical analysis of the impact of the Indian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations on the Indian economy, Present status of socio economic conditions of India brought forward by the Indian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations. This would suggest a deductive approach to the research although, as with the research philosophy, a pure approach of either a wholly inductive or wholly deductive approach is unlikely. So overall, this research will generally follow a deductive approach, with some of the ingredients of induction. WHY A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH STRATEGY? This research will be underpinned by a series of structured interviews with academic persons, leading labour lawyers, sociologists and if possible member politicians of the Indian National Congress Party. A quantitative approach is not being taken as the type of research questions and the time available for the research would suggest that a small number of in-depth interviews are likely to provide sufficient information to the insight of the issue. RESEARCH METHODS Secondary research Critical examination of the existing academic literature will be an important element of the dissertation and will help in the formulation of questions to ask in the primary research. In essence, I will research and critically analyze published literature on labour legislation in the pre and post independence era of India, Indian national Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s popularity and growth due to labour support, the Indian national Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attempts to organize the work force in the nation through labour legislation, positive effects on the Indian economy due to good and timely labour and industrial law enactments. Efforts will also be made to identify the problems in labour legislations with the attempt to underline the loop holes in the laws enacted. Finally the review will consider literature which identifies the qualities of a good evaluation checklist. Primary research The Primary research will in the first instance compare the existing labour laws in India with the industrial growth. Attempts will also be taken to compare the political success of the Indian National Congress relating to the legislations it brought forward. A comparative study on the legislations of labour policies and economic boom in India will also be done. Approaches will then be made to potential interviewees from the following groups :- Academic personalities A few leading labour lawyers Sociologists And possibly a handful of member politicians of the Indian National Congress Party A structured questionnaire for use in interviewing the above will be drafted for comment from my dissertation supervisor, Interviews will then be arranged and carried out using a structured interview approach to determine views on (a) on the political and legal development within Indian society during the rule of the Indian National Congress party (b) on the impact of the Ind ian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations on the Indian economy. (c) on the present status of socio economic conditions of India brought forward by the Indian National Congress partyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s labour legislations. Based on the above research produce conclusions, recommendations and a discussion paper for outlining the further labour legislations scopes in less legislated labour issues in India. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS Firstly, I do not intend to interview many sociologists and member politicians of the Indian Nation Congress party. This is due to the reason that this group of men are not easily accessible and the data that can be extracted from the politicians will be inadequate as they were not in activity in the past years of pre independence to immediate post independence era. Secondly, the time available to me for completion of this research will be a factor. I would get only 3 days a week to concentrate on my research work as a whole. Third of all there should be great difficulty to gain access to the sources interviewed as all of them have busy schedules and facilitating me with an appointment to answer my questionnaire will be difficult and problematic for them.